Toor Dal in Instant Pot

Toor Dal in Instant Pot

Toor dal or Arhar dal is also known as pigeon peas. It is an everyday staple food in Indian households and goes well with rice and chapati. Toor dal has a lots of nutrients like protein, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus, antioxidants which considered as heart healthy nutrients. It fits in with any balanced diet plan lifestyle and has many benefits for all age group.

Toor Dal in Instant Pot

Toor Dal in Instant Pot
Earlier days it was very noisy to make Toor dal in pressure cooker because of its whistling sounds. Now cooking Toor dal in instant pot is no noise and anybody can cook dal without keeping time tabs.
Prep Time 2 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
Total Time 32 minutes
Course Main Course, Side Dish, Soup
Cuisine Indian
Servings 4 people
Calories 120 kcal


  • 1 Instant pot


  • 1 cup Toor dal
  • 4 cups Water
  • 1/2 tsp Turmeric powder
  • 1 tsp Salt( or adjust to taste)


  • Wash Toor dal and put it in instant pot
  • Add water, Turmeric powder, and salt to Toor dal.
  • Put the lid on and set the timer to meat/stew mode.
  • Once the timer comes to zero hours, let cool down for 5 minutes, open the lid.
  • Mash the cooked dal with beater and it is ready to eat.
Keyword Instant pot toor dal, Toor Dal